REST API Calls in Swift: iOS Networking Architecture [in SwiftUI]

You can make a REST API call in Swift in just three lines of code thanks to URLSession and async/await.

However, implementing a networking layer in a full-fledged app presents several architectural pitfalls.

In this article we will see how REST works, how to perform API calls in a SwiftUI app, and the best way to architect the networking layer of an iOS app.

Learn Swift Programming: The essential step to creating iOS apps

The first step to making iOS apps is learning Swift.

But learning a new programming language can be daunting if you approach it for the first time.

Nonetheless, if you follow the right path, learning Swift can be fun and rewarding. Many developers worldwide use Swift because they like to build well-crafted programs.

In this article, I show you the right path to learning Swift.

I won’t only cover the how, but I will also explain why each piece is essential to build the whole puzzle.

Downloading Data in SwiftUI with URLSession and async/await

Many modern iOS apps are connected to the internet.

When you need to download or upload data, URLSession is the solution.

Together with other types, URLSession not only transfers data over a network but also groups transfers together.

This allows you to:

  • Optimize data transfers.
  • Handle authentication, cookies, and caching.
  • Pause, resume, or cancel network transfers.
  • Download data in the background when your app is suspended.

Due to the complexity of network transfers, using URLSession is not straightforward and presents a few architectural challenges, especially in SwiftUI apps.

We will explore all of the above in this article.