Objective-C Guide For Developers, Part 2

After having seen in the first part of this guide the basic control structures that Objective-C inherits from C, in this second part we will have a look at how we use objects and collections in Objective-C.

Table of contents

Method calling
A note about messaging
Class methods and object creation
Working with nil
Values and literals

Objective-C Guide For Developers, Part 1

When, as a developer, you come from another language to Objective-C, you usually want to map the general concepts about programming you already know to this new language that at first might seems obscure. I remember myself being confused by the Objective-C syntax when I started learning it. What at first look might not make sense actually does a lot when you get a grasp of it and in my opinion (and the opinion of many other developers) makes the code much more readable. What at first sight might seem complicated is just something a bit different from what you are used to, thus feeling unfamiliar.